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Diocese of San Bernardino
Retired Deacons
Last Name, First Name
Aguilera, Santos
Amador, Robert
Barna, John
Barrion, Victor
Bassford, Rick
Brenes-Rios, Anthony
Cover, Richard
Dewhirst, Thomas
Diaz, Porfirio
Franco, Joseph
Gomez, Manuel
Han, Hikyung
Harmon, Glenn
Herrera, Jose
Hockwalt, David
Jelley, Michael
Khader, Ayed
Kilbourn, Austin
Kincaid, James
Malkowski, Dennis
Martinez, Pat
Mercardante, Frank
Miller, Glenn
Miller, Thomas
Moore, Greg
Morales, Carlos
Myers, Paul
Necerato, Patrick
Ortiz, Joe
Ramirez, Efren
Robles, Manuel
Servin, Armando
Shalhoub, William
Simpson, Richard
Skora, John
Sotelo, Gonzalo
Taylor, Daniel
Vazguez, Sergio
Vela, Joe
Vital, Ernesto
Von Ins, Paul
Von Voigt, Frederick
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